Monday, August 6, 2012


 This Sunday, I was getting ready to lead the music at the front of the chapel just as the prelude music was ending, when I once again took notice of the empty bench that Haven was saving for our family.  I had come early with Dallin and Haven.  Jeff and the younger kids were just minutes behind us, but they had not yet arrived.

Then it hit me.  I had taken Jeff’s keys, since I was driving his car, but had not left my own keys behind.  It was possible there was a spare he could use, but I wasn’t sure, and that empty bench seemed to call out otherwise.

I felt terrible as I envisioned my family stranded at home-- all dressed up with no place to go.  I considered darting from the chapel and racing home to get them, but no, it was time for the opening hymn.  After the song, I once again considered making a quick getaway, but before I could act, it was time for the next hymn.  I led that song too, then raced outside to check my phone-- a message.  From Harrison.

 “Oh, hi, Mom?  Do you think you could bring us some keys so we could get to church?  Ok, thanks, bye.”  Funny kid. 

I called, no answer.

I drove home.  The house was empty.

I did notice Lydia’s sandals were on the stairs, and the umbrella stroller was gone, but not the double stroller.  They were walking.  Even Lydia.

I drove the route I thought they would take, but didn’t find them.  I drove back along a slightly different route.  Still, no luck. 

Finally, after a short prayer, they appeared up the road in front of me, about a mile and a half from home-- a beautiful family in their Sunday best-- Lydia in tennis shoes and socks.

I helped them get loaded in the car while I apologized to them for taking their keys.  They cheerfully commented that they got to eat blackberries, and Lydia said, “You rescued us!” 

They were a pretty cheerful group for having spent the last thirty minutes on a long, hot walk.  Incidentally, today Jeff took my two booster seats in his car to work. 

“Ha ha, we’ll see how she likes this!”

Very Pink

Genuine Kids from OshKoshâ„¢ Infant Toddler Girls Short-Sleeve Dress - Chambray 

My brother once said to me, "If it's not on sale, it's not for sale."  I am that kind of girl.  I am not drawn to measly 30% clearance signs.  I feel so insulted that the store takes a couple bucks off the price, calls it a clearance sale, and expects you to trip over yourself getting there before everything's gone.  But the other day I was drawn to the real clearance rack at Target-- the 50% clearance rack.  It seemed to be like a blinking green traffic light-- blinking to get my attention, and green, calling "buy, buy!"  (Not the blinking yellow arrows that have popped up everywhere, and no one is sure exactly what they mean-- are they just the same as a solid green light-- left turns yielding to through traffic, but just more annoying like people dancing with Liberty Tax and Little Ceasars Pizza signs?  But I digress.)

I rifled through these on-sale, thus for-sale clothes, and came across  this dress-- cute, check.  Flowers, check.  Lydia's size, check. " Lydia, do you like this dress?"

"No.  It's not very. . . pink."

Fair point.  Now adding very pink to my checklist.

Sunday, July 29, 2012


I love Lucy.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Moving Mountains

I have often wondered about faith.  Sometimes we pray, and we get the chicken we desire so greatly.  Other times, a child is taken from us, even amidst great outpourings of faithful prayers.  In the Book of Mormon, Helaman's son, Nephi was given the power to do great miracles through his faith.  The Lord spoke to him, and said this:

Behold, thou art Nephi, and I am God.

Behold, I declare it unto thee in the presence of mine angels, that ye shall have power over this people, and shall smite the earth with famine, and with pestilence, and destruction, according to the wickedness of this people.

Behold, I give unto you power, that whatsoever ye shall seal on earth shall be sealed in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven; and thus shall ye have power among this people.

And thus, if ye shall say unto this temple it shall be rent in twain, it shall be done.

And if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou cast down and become smooth, it shall be done.

And behold, if ye shall say that God shall smite this people, it shall come to pass (Helaman 10:6-10).

What power Nephi had!  What faith to move mountains and call down destruction, and seal in heaven and on earth! What makes a faith like Nephi's?

I think the answer is found in the two verses preceding this passage:

Blessed art thou, Nephi, for those things which thou hast done; for I have beheld how thou hast with unwearyingness declared the word, which I have given unto thee, unto this people. And thou hast not feared them, and hast not sought thine own life, but hast sought my will, and to keep my commandments.

And now, because thou hast done this with such unwearyingness, behold, I will bless thee forever; and I will make thee mighty in word and in deed, in faith and in works; yea, even that all things shall be done unto thee according to thy word, for thou shalt not ask that which is contrary to my will (Helaman 10:4-5).

Nephi obeyed the Lord with unwearyingness-- even valuing this obedience above his own life.  He came to the point that he would not ask for anything contrary to the will of God.  He wanted for himself and others what the Lord wanted for him.

I want to be that kind of disciple.

Saturday, May 19, 2012



I've been thinking a lot lately about what a prophet chooses to tell us today.  A prophet teaches the gospel, directs the Lord's church, and leads us into happier, more peaceful lives.  What, then, has our living prophet taught us lately about finding greater happiness and peace?  In January, the kids and I were talking about this very thing.  When we paused to review the words of our living prophet, Thomas S. Monson, we didn't find counsel on living the commandments more completely, or being better at doing everything we feel we are supposed to do-- though those would be other good things to focus on.  What our prophet taught us today, to find peace and happines, were three simple ABC's.

Have a Positive Attitude
A in my ABCs refers to attitude. William James, a pioneering American psychologist and philosopher, wrote, “The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.”1
 Believe in Yourself
B is for believe—in yourself, in those around you, and in eternal principles.
Face Challenges with Courage
C is for courage. Courage becomes a worthwhile and meaningful virtue when it is regarded not so much as a willingness to die manfully but as a determination to live decently.
When President Monson led his people by his words at the beginning of the year, he did so in positive paths of belief and courage.  When I feel the need for more peace and happiness in my life, I am going to trust our prophet. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Watery Eyes

The other day, I was trying to encourage Micah to practice his writing while I was busy doing other things. I got out an alphabet book and told him to find the letters in his name and trace, then practice writing them. He was super-excited until he finished the M's. After that, not so much. I coaxed him into practicing his I's as well before he announced that he was all done. So using my mom creativity, I said, “Well, Mi is a nice name, we can just call you Mi. I wonder if the people at kindergarten will know how to spell it. What do you think, Mi?” He laughed and protested at my silliness and was persuaded into practicing his C's. When he lost interest again, and I began calling him, “Mic,” he laughed and protested again, but this time, he said, “Mom, you are making my eyes water.”

I gave Micah a hug and an apology for hurting his feelings. He gave me a greater appreciation for his simple honesty, and a determination to never make his eyes water again.

Miss Mischief

Look at this face!  You'd never guess she tried to get us all thrown in jail a couple of times last weekend.  While shopping on our girls' night, she found some sheets with a to-die-for pink and purple print, and immediately concealed them surreptitiously at the bottom of the stroller.  Luckily, I was watching her shenanigans and put them back.  It should have tipped me off, however, that she was likely to repeat that behavior.  A few minutes later she showed me some darling, pink, jelly shoes that were about four sizes too small for her.  After commenting on her wonderful taste in shoes, I asked her to put them back.  We then went to the skirt section, then to the dressing rooms before Lucy let us know her good-behavior window was over.  We headed to the front, paid for our purchases, and went to leave, when the alarm buzzed.  The friendly sales clerk offered to check if they had left a buzzer-setter-offer thing on our purchases.  Nope.  So, we tried to leave again.  Same thing.  I peeked into our stroller and was mortified to see those darling pink jelly shoes.  “Hmm, I guess we were trying to steal something!”  I exclaimed with a nervous laugh.  Less laughter emitted from the friendly sales clerk as he took the pink police magnets from my hand.  Let’s hope it’s not a sign of things to come for Lydia.