Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Lazy Days of Summer

So sad they're coming to an end!


Barlow Fam said...

Yeah!!! I'm so excited to keep up with your family. Welcome to the blog world!

tangi said...

the kids have grown so much in just 6 months! Micah is a such a little man. So glad you have a blog so we can feel like you're closer again.

Jackie B. said...

HEY! Thanks Amber for letting me know about your blog. Your kids are adorable!! Jackie (Ostler) Brown

Kandis said...

Micah is sooo grown-up I can't even believe it! Adam was saying he was quite the talker. Super cute!

ej said...

Oh my goodness it has been too long since I have seen your children!!! The fact that you have started a blog has officially made my whole day! Yay!